Enhancing students learning through dual language books, identity texts and digital technology incorporation

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Teachers in many parts of the world including Canada are facing increased multilingual/ multicultural complexity in their classrooms and schools. The main objective of this action research project was to study the benefits of employing dual language books, creating identity texts and incorporating the use of technology into this learning process. The most significant finding was that for most students, engagement in dual language reading and writing of identity texts increased their appreciation and interest in their first language and culture and their willingness to share this with others. As few examples of meta-linguistic awareness emerged during this study, it was difficult to determine if the use of dual language books and identity texts contribute to the development of increased meta-linguistic awareness. Keywords: dual language books, identity texts, digital technology, meta-linguistic awareness, multicultural, multilingual
Bibliography: p. 122-126
Dilov, L. (2011). Enhancing students learning through dual language books, identity texts and digital technology incorporation (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from https://prism.ucalgary.ca. doi:10.11575/PRISM/4041