Eavor-Loop™ Geothermal for Combined Heat and Power at the University of Calgary: A Techno-Economic Analysis

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A techno-economic feasibility analysis was conducted to determine the suitability of an Eavor-Loop™ closed-loop geothermal system from Eavor Technologies as a replacement for natural gas cogeneration of combined heat and power at the University of Calgary main campus in Calgary, Alberta. A base case comprised of the existing cogeneration system was compared to an Eavor-Loop™ study case over a 30-year analysis period. 30 °C/km geothermal gradient results showed that a 9 km total depth or greater Eavor-Loop™ system comprised of between 2 to 4 loops provided a lower LCOE, total cost of ownership, paid back over the base case between years 8 and 20, and avoided a lifetime 2.15 million tonnes of CO2-eq. Base case costs are dominated by the cost of fuel and the price of carbon. Overall economic feasibility of the Eavor-Loop™ system can be improved through reducing heat exchanger leg drilling costs and attaining competitive financing.

Barry-Hallee, N. (2022). Eavor-Loop™ Geothermal for Combined Heat and Power at the University of Calgary: A Techno-Economic Analysis (Unpublished master's project). University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.