War & Peace: Conflict and Resolution in Archaeology

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Chacmool Archaeology Association

The 45th annual Chacmool Archaeology Conference, "War and Peace: Conflict and Resolution in Archaeology," continued the tradition of discussing problems and new innovations in the field of archaeology at the University of Calgary. Warfare and, by extension, the peace that follows it, are extensively interwoven into the majority of cultures in both the past and present. Due to the continued prominence of conflict within human history, archaeologists have often encountered a need to understand these cultural clashes. The 2012 conference discussed the topic of conflict in all its forms using an interdisciplinary and global perspective and the papers in these proceedings reflect that diversity.

[Contains 17 chapters] Contents: Conflict Resolution in the Andes (John R. Topic and Theresa L. Topic); The Earliest Fortified Settlements of the South Coast of Peru (Lidio M. Valdez); Circular Reasoning in Mound Building? Large-scale Planned Construction Patterns at the Aguas Buenas Site (A.D. 400–1525) (Alexander Geurds and Denise Terpstra); Rock Solid? Battling Rock Art Recording Methods and Interpretation at the Pre-Hispanic Site of Aguas Buenas, Central Nicaragua (A.D. 400–1525) (Roosmarie J. C. Vlaskamp); Maya Warfare, Sacred Places, and Divine Protection (Christopher L. Hernandez and Joel W. Palka); He-Who-Wears-Human-Heads-As-Earrings: Mississippian Culture Heroes, Reincarnation, and Warfare (David H. Dye); Tempering Practices in a Mississippian Warscape: Ceramics and Technological Production at the Common Field Site (Meghan E. Buchanan); The Functionality of the Terracotta Warriors’ Armor: An Archaeological and Experimental Approach (Wen Yin Cheng); Conflict and Identity: The Influence of Male Military Involvement on the Expression of Women’s Identities in the Roman Provinces (Robyn M. D. Crook); The Archaeology of Crime and the Narrative of the Recent Past (José Pablo Baraybar); In Sight, In Mind: Unexplored Munitions, Oil, and Archaeology (Landon Bell and Bruce Dickson); Radio Drama: The Tale of a 1939 Radio Recovered on a Hughenden, Alberta Homestead Site (Dale E. Boland); “War Junk” and Cultural Heritage: Viewpoints on World War II German Material Culture in the Finnish Lapland (Oula Seitsonen and Vesa-Pekka Herva); Mummies’ Curses, Orientalist Tropes, and the Scientist as Hero: Rhetorics of Danger in Near Eastern Archaeology (Kevin M. McGeough); Making Use of a Plundered Past: Archaeological Investigation at Looted Sites in Belize (Cara G. Tremain); Destruction of Cultural Heritage in Sri Lanka (Nancy C. Wilkie); David is a Goliath—The Impact of Nic David’s Work on My Own (Charles Mather)
Archaeology, Warfare, Peace, Conflict Resolution, Cultural Heritage, Violence
Benfer, Adam K. (editor). 2017. War & Peace: Conflict and Resolution in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Chacmool Archaeology Conference. Chacmool Archaeology Association, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, CA