Trading Spaces: The Archaeology of Interaction, Migration, and Exchange

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Chacmool Archaeology Association

The 46th Annual Chacmool Archaeology Conference, “Trading Spaces: The Archaeology of Interaction, Migration, and Exchange” focused on the exchange of goods and ideas between people, contributing to the development of new ideas regarding human interaction in archaeology. The chapter authors in this volume explore the interaction and context of how the movement of people, materials, and ideas influenced human civilizations, and the resulting impact on the archaeological record. The 2013 conference explored these themes in a variety of cultures worldwide.

[Contains 17 Chapters] Contents: Historical Descriptions of “Pitching Trails” on the Northern Plains (Margaret G. Hanna); Maya Migration Revisited (James J. Aimers); Technologies of Style and Captives: Implications for the Production of Ceramics in Sonora Mexico (Tanya Chiykowski); Ancient Maya Mobility at Caledonia, Cayo District, Belize: Evidence from Stable Oxygen Isotope Analysis (Asta J. Rand); Modern Human Behavior and the Out of Africa II Migration: Testing Models of Behavioral Evolution (J. Jeffrey Werner); Constructing Social Identity Through the Past: Migration Myths and Exchange Systems of the Contact Period Itza (Yuko Shiratori); Shifting Burial Practices in the Isola Sacra Necropolis: Ethnicity as a Factor for Cultural Change (Franciska I. Incze); Cylinder Seals: The Window Into Mesopotamia’s Soul (Erin Ingram); Highland and Coastal Cultural Interaction: New Evidence from the Ancient City of Huari, Ayacucho, Peru (Lidio M. Valdez and J. Ernesto Valdez); Mayan Words for ‘Market’ and Related Concepts (Nicholas A. Hopkins); The Distributional Approach and Imperfect Data Sets: An Examination of Market Exchange at Ugarit (Christine Johnston); Coca Leaves in the Context of the Central Andean Wari State ( Lidio M. Valdez and Juan Taboada); Extraction, Exchange, and Intra-regional Interaction at the Zaragoza-Oyameles Obsidian Source, Puebla, Mexico (Charles L. F. Knight); Maya Coastal Adaptations in Classic and Postclassic Times on Ambergris Caye Belize (Scott E. Simmons and Elizabeth Graham); Costa Rica and the Maya: Prestige Goods and International Relations (David Mora Marín, Dorie Reents-Budet, and Virginia Fields); Postulating Trade and Historicizing Archaeology (Alice Beck Kehoe); Small Scale Trade with Large Scale Implications: or How to Produce a Surplus in a Fragile Environment (Joanna Casey)
Archaeology, Trade, Resources, Migration, Identity, Interaction
Patton, Margaret M. and Jessica Manion (editors). 2017. Trading Spaces: The Archaeology of Interaction, Migration and Exchange. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Chacmool Archaeology Conference. Chacmool Archaeology Association, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, CA.