Strategies For Freshwater Reduction In Hydraulic Fracturing (fracking) Of Shale Gas For A Typical Oil And Gas Company In Western Canada
The oil and gas industry uses substantial amounts of energy, emits greenhouse gases and is associated with high costs. As conventional oil and gas becomes exhausted, there is a turn towards more unconventional, harder to extract, resources. Hydraulic Fracturing or Fracking, is an unconventional technique that releases the tightly trapped shale gas in rock formations, but uses large volumes of freshwater. This study analyzes, two alternatives to freshwater: (1)- Wastewater and (2)-Desalinated water. This study compares the energy usage (technologyspecific), environmental issues (greenhouse gases released) and economic viability (water treatment costs) related to the water treatment specific to seven scenarios with various percentages of Surface water, Municipal wastewater, Fracking wastewater and Brackish Desalinated water for one well in Calgary, Alberta. Consistent with the literature reviewed, the use of Municipal wastewater was determined to be the best option, with the lowest energy use, emissions and costs, however alternatives for water transportation is still of particular concern.