Modeling patient service centers with simulation and system dynamics

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Springer Verlag

We report on the use of simulation modeling for redesigning phlebotomy and specimen collection centers (or patient service centers) at a medical diagnostic laboratory. Research was performed in an effort to improve patient service, in particular to reduce average waiting times as well as their variability. Discrete-event simulation modeling provided valuable input into new facility design decisions and showed the efficacy of pooling sources of variation, particularly patient demand and service times. Initial performance of the redesigned facilities was positive; however, dynamic feedback within the system of service centers eventually resulted in unanticipated performance problems. We show how a system dynamics model might have helped predict these implementation problems and suggest some ways to improve results.

The original publication is available at This is a post print file as per the journal publisher's requirements. Article deposited according to publisher policy posted on SHERPA/ROMEO, September 29. 2011.
Simulation, Healthcare
T.R. Rohleder, D.P. Bischak, and L.B. Baskin, “Modeling patient service centers with simulation and system dynamics,” Health Care Management Science 10:1 (2007), 1-12.