Pre-trial detention: a survey of empirical research in four countries: research issues in corrections - a research proposal for the remand centre
The document to follow is the final product that emerged from a two month work experience with the Calgary Remand Centre, the City's Detention facility for prisoners awaiting a court hearing. It consists of three main and conceptually distinct sections although there is a logial connection and interrelationship between sections. The content of the document was not in any way pre-determined, that is to say, there was no specific request or directive to deal with the substantive areas that are present. Two graduate social work students, myself and a colleague, both of whom were primarily interested in research and evaluation, were given an open-ended two month assignment at the Centre. The specific context and substance of the paper evolved slowly over the course of the two month period and was shaped by several forces. First of all, we were free to pursue problems and issues which were of personal interest to us, and the report reflects this to some extent. Secondly, we held a series of periodic meetings with officials at the Centre in order to sensitize ourselves to the kind of information needs which would be of most use to them and to the organization in their charge. The report, therefore, is intended to be of some practical value and consistent with the expressed views of centre officials as to what would have particular value for them. Finally, as is always the case, the report was regulated by the pragmatics of what it was possible to achieve, given such limitations as the time frame, the setting, and in this particular case, certain inauspicious legal proceedings dealing with matters concerning the practice of research in provincial correctional institutions. As noted, the report contains three parts. The first is a survey of empirical research from four countries (Canada, The United States, The United Kingdom, and Australia) dealing with selected issues in pretrial detention. The second part is a short discussion of some critical research issues in corrections generally, with some particular attention given to their ramifications for research in a facility such as the Remand Centre. The last part of the document is a research proposal written specifically for the Remand Centre. It calls for undertaking a research audit which would, in part, provide a data package descriptive of the Centre's first year of operation.