Sunmine: Evaluating The Potential Of Grid-connected Solar Photovoltaics With Energy Storage
Global warming mitigation is translating into actions worldwide. Canada targets higher levels of clean energy sources in its electricity mix. Solar photovoltaics is the fastest growing renewable electricity source and energy storage is positioned as the enabling technology to increase its contribution integrated with the grid by providing reliable and greenhouse gas free electricity when needed. This project consolidates knowledge from multiple sources and applies it to SunMine, the largest solar photovoltaics plant in British Columbia. The goal is to
maximize revenue at the lowest cost by investigating the economics of adding battery storage to allow photovoltaic electricity to be sold when the price is higher. While batteries used for a single service do not result in a net-economic benefit, this project unveils the roadmap to enhance its value proposition through strong collaboration between utility, plant owner, solar and energy storage suppliers towards the Canadian electricity market of the future.
Hurtado, J. A. (2017). Sunmine: Evaluating The Potential Of Grid-connected
Solar Photovoltaics With Energy Storage (Unpublished report). University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.