Supporting Student Writing and Other Modes of Learning and Assessment. A Staff Guide

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This Guide promotes writing-to-learn. Academic writing is a contested area that is tricky to navigate and master especially for newcomers. However, this does not need to be the case. We show that if instructors ‘teach’ writing differently, it can foster students’ learning. Academic writing is a process: we write to become academic. It is an initiation into and participation in wider professional and academic discourses. This Guide is an invitation to move beyond the ‘mechanics’ of writing - to make it meaningful, engaging, interactive and fun. If writing is appreciated as developmental - and appropriately supported - it automatically spurs students on to write their ‘best’.

Republished May 2021, originally published by Inspired By Learning February 2021.
academic writing, writing guide, pedagogy
Abegglen, S., Burns, T., and Sinfield, S. (2021). Supporting Student Writing and Other Modes of Learning and Assessment. A Staff Guide. Calgary: University of Calgary.