Assessing gambling-related harm in Victoria: a public health perspective


The Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation engaged CQU’s Experimental Gambling Research Laboratory to develop a framework and a methodology for understanding and measuring gambling-related harm in the Victorian population. The aim of the project was to systematically investigate gambling-related harm in Victoria, and assess the aggregate ‘Burden of Harm’ caused by gambling in Victoria with reference to different levels of problem gambling, and other comparable conditions. This improved understanding of the quality and quantity of harm will help to better target efforts to prevent or reduce the potential negative consequences of problematic gambling.

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Gambling -- Australia -- Victoria
Browne, M, Langham, E, Rawat, V, Greer, N, Li, E, Rose, J, Rockloff, M, Donaldson, P, Thorne, H, Goodwin, B, Bryden, G & Best, T 2016, Assessing gambling-related harm in Victoria: a public health perspective, Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation, Melbourne.