Organ and tissue donation in the Calgary Health Region: a population based study on intensive care unit practices

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Organ and tissue donation are part of quality end-of-life decisions in the intensive care unit. The efficacy of any organ and tissue donation process lies on the efficiency of individual steps in the process and not on reporting crude statistics. An examination of these individual steps allows not only for the identification of any possible shortcomings within a process, but provides a base on which comparisons to other systems can be made. The results of this study demonstrate that a process whereby organ and tissue donation is viewed as a measure of quality end-of-life care, and a process that is inherent to critical care, is efficient and could be adopted by other critical care groups. Further, if an efficient process exists, the ethical propriety of increasing organ supply using alternative sources can be examined.

Bibliography: p. 99-103
Some pages are in colour.
Barnieh, L. J. (2004). Organ and tissue donation in the Calgary Health Region: a population based study on intensive care unit practices (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/12544