Seismic response of slab column connections

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The response of slab/column connections subjected to seismic loading is examined. The work investigates the two main performance criteria a two-way flat slab system may be required to satisfy. In the first case the slab column framing is intended to function as a rigid frame that provides the primary lateral load resisting mechanism in a structure. In the second case the slab column framing is not relied upon to provide the primary lateral load resisting mechanism. In this second case, however, the slab column connections must continue to resist the gravity load tributary to them as the structure deforms under seismic loading. A laboratory program was completed to investigate the above performance requirements. Nine isolated interior slab column connections were tested. All but one of these contained shear reinforcement in the form of headed studs. The primary variables investigated were the extent of the shear-reinforced zone, the degree of concentration of top steel about the column, and the direction of reversed cyclic loading relative to the square column. In order to examine the performance of a slab column frame acting as the primary lateral load resisting system a non-linear finite element software package was created. The behavior of the connections was modeled after the behavior observed in the experimental portion of the work. The connection elements were then introduced into a frame model that was analyzed on a time step basis. A yield line pattern that incorporates unbalanced moment was also derived to study the requirements of connections not considered part of the lateral load resisting system. This is used to determine the maximum shear stress that a slab column connection need be designed to. From the above analysis specific design guidelines are presented for each of the two performance requirements. Specific recommendations for new clauses to be included in the next version of CSA-A23.3 are also presented. Finally, related areas are identified where present knowledge is lacking. Recommendations for further research are suggested.

Bibliography: p. 297-306
Brown, S. J. (2003). Seismic response of slab column connections (Doctoral thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/15668