Carbon Policies In Canada: Implications For Biomass District Energy Systems

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This study examines the impact of carbon policies on the implementation of biomass district energy (DE) systems within Canada. DE systems offer an energy efficient approach to providing heating, cooling, domestic hot water and sometimes electricity to residential or commercial buildings. Biomass and wood biomass is examined as an affordable fuel option for the DE systems. To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, biomass DE systems can offer an affordable and stable option. This study examines how three systems across Canada are impacted by fuel charges or large emitter incentives and compares that to if they used only the fossil fuel most used in the province the system is located. It was determined by this paper that carbon policies increase these systems competitiveness in most circumstances. However, a dramatic increase in the cost for wood biomass or a drop in fossil fuel prices could render some systems economically inviable.

Brehon, K. M. (2021). Carbon Policies In Canada: Implications For Biomass District Energy Systems (Unpublished master's project). University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.