Canadian Gambling Digest 2006 - 2007

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Canadian Partnership for Responsible Gambling (CPRG)

The Digest is arranged by subject matter, starting with general industry data (venues, games, charitable gaming licenses), followed by revenue, revenue distributions, gambling participation, problem gambling prevalence, and problem gambling assistance (helpline calls, clients, counsellors). Data in each section is presented in tables and charts. Accompanying text describes the data and highlights some of its more salient features. While considerable effort was made to ensure that the information presented in a given table or chart is comparable across provinces, this was not always possible due to differences in record keeping and other factors. Unless stated otherwise, all data pertain to fiscal 2006-07 (April 1, 2006 to March 31, 2007).

This edition of the Digest is the fifth report released to date; Addendum document contains updates to the 2006-2007 Canadian Gambling Digest (Canadian Partnership for Responsible Gambling, 2008).
Gambling -- Canada -- Statistics