Clarifying the complexity: rethinking studies of variation in child care policy

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This thesis argues that existing accounts of variation in child care policy fail to systematically address, define, and measure the ways in which child care policy arrangements vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Comparative studies of child care policy rely on broad or general descriptions of variation in child care policy that fail to provide a systematic comparative framework for understanding the extent, nature, and complexity of this variation. Drawing on comparative data measuring child care in the Canadian provinces, and a qualitative case study of child care policy in Alberta, I argue that child care policy arrangements display many inconsistencies and conflicting ideas that cannot be easily described and classified. This finding has important implications for the methods and theories used to describe and understand variation in child care policy.

Bibliography: p. 106-112
Includes copy of ethics approval. Original copy with original Partial Copyright Licence.
Pasolli, K. (2012). Clarifying the complexity: rethinking studies of variation in child care policy (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/4720