A legal strategy to revise the approved South Saskatchewan River Basin management plan
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The Approved South Saskatchewan River Basin Management Plan (SSRBMP) is a multiphased example of a regional watershed plan recommended by Alberta's Water for Life Strategy. The purpose of this water management plan is to resolve water management issues. There are several challenges for implementation of this plan, including: (1) almost full allocation of the water supply in the Bow and Oldman rivers without commitments to instream flow needs, (2) limited available scientific information for making predictions on the adverse impacts from incremental withdrawal and the benefits of incremental flow restoration, and (3) demand for water is expected to exceed the supply of water when existing licenses, a commitment to protect the aquatic environment, and future growth are factored together. There are tools within the Water Act and the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act to implement the goal ofreliable quality water supplies and aquatic ecosystem protection. The precautionary principle may be used to aid in the interpretation of statutory provisions in favour of environmental protection.