Water Reuse Forster Creek Camp Alternative Wastewater Disposal Project: Reusing Treated Wastewater In Sagd Operation Cenovus Energy
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This study will perform a feasibility of reusing treated domestic wastewater from Foster Creek camps in the steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) operation. This paper plans to analyze the possibility and feasibility if domestic treated wastewater can be reused in the oil sands operations. If this project has a successful outcome, it will provide reduction of treated wastewater disposal requirements, expenses, and environmental impacts. Another benefit would be reducing the need for underground fresh water and brackish water intake for steam generation in SAGD operation. This project uses Cenovus Foster Creek Camp as a case study to answer the research questions. As oil sands operations are expanding and water scarcity is increasing consequently, the conflict between energy production and water availability is increasing. Therefore, this project aims to address the potential to reuse treated domestic wastewater in the SAGD operation to help decrease the growing fresh water and brackish water demand for energy production.