The Practical Uses and Benefits of ePortfolios
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ePortfolios are a rapidly emerging, powerful, and iterative form for capturing student work including accredited evidence for lifelong learning in both academic and professional contexts. The purpose of this research is to determine if and how ePortfolios can serve as a foundation for individuals to obtain, or enhance opportunities toward, meaningful employment. The question that directs this undertaking is: What are the practical uses and benefits of ePortfolios for employment purposes among undergraduate and continuing education students? The research is addressed through a mixed methods research approach through the use of a survey to collect both quantitative and qualitative data, as well as semi-structured interviews. The results identify the perceptions students have regarding ePortfolios in showcasing their skills and knowledge, and potentially improving their employment opportunities. The responses indicate participants believe ePortfolios provide both direct and in-direct employment leads and opportunities, and they have had positive experiences that influence their motivation to create and maintain an ePortfolio. Participants also believe ePortfolios will play an ongoing and integral role in helping to seek or obtain employment, and in enhancing or augmenting the résumé or curriculum vitae, but not replacing it. On this basis, it is recommended that all graduates seeking employment have an ePortfolio and that Universities promote and encourage ePortfolio use among students by integrating ePortfolios into the curriculum. Continuing Education should develop a short ePortfolio development course and ePortfolio users should ensure they are maximizing the full features that the ePortfolio can provide. Future research into employer perceptions of ePortfolios is also recommended.