Experiments Towards the Realization of a Nanofiber Guided Dipole Trap
In this thesis I present a developing project to elaborate a scientific platform towards the realization of light-matter interaction based on tapered optical nanofiber (TNF) that enables optical fields to interface with trapped neutral atoms in their vicinity. In such a configuration, the guided light exhibits a large portion of evanescent field into the vacuum thus laser cooled atoms can couple to the fiber mode. By trapping and cooling atoms around the nanofiber I investigated the interaction of the atoms with the field. My work presented in this thesis includes: Calculating the evanescent modes propagating through our fiber; Implementing fiber pulling setup using oxyhydrogen flame and analyzing nanofiber’s thermal dynamics and degradation; Constructing a Rubidium 87 MOT and characterizing its critical parameters; Realizing some atom-light interface through an experiment on coupling spontaneously emitted photons from MOT into TNF; Calculating two-color dipole trap parameters for our nanofiber.