The Effectiveness of a Learning Community in Bringing About Changes to Instructional Practices in the Area of Assessment for Learning

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Professional learning communities and assessment for learning have been proven to have significant impact on student learning. However, what still remains unclear is why these practices are not resulting in improved student learning the way research has indicated. The intent of this descriptive case study was to determine what schools and school divisions were doing to aide teachers in embracing these two practices. This study examined the following question, In what ways does a professional learning community support and enable teachers to implement assessment for learning within their daily practice?, within the context of the two sites that were being studied. Four educators from two different schools in the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan took part in the research. From this study seven findings were revealed. The findings include: • time was not provided to collaboratively discuss student learning; • discussions about students focused on student behavior as opposed to student learning and teacher actions; • support and follow through was minimal at best; • participants could not identify the essential work of a PLC or key elements of assessment for learning. The research utilized triangulation of data through participant observations, in-depth interviews and physical artefacts. The following conclusions were attained using a Findings, Interpretations and Conclusions Matrix: • teachers were not able to change their philosophical beliefs because the PLC framework was not present; • collaborative time must be protected like instructional time; • teachers must be held accountable for their discussions and actions around student learning; • participants were not utilizing observations, conversations and products to gain a more accurate account of student learning; and • leadership is critical if the PLC framework and assessment for learning is to have any impact on teacher practices.

Education--Administration, Education--Curriculum and Instruction, Education--Teacher Training
Cameron, D. (2016). The Effectiveness of a Learning Community in Bringing About Changes to Instructional Practices in the Area of Assessment for Learning (Doctoral thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/28071