Infrastructure Asset Management Challenges and Understanding the Complexity and Uncertainty

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Aging public infrastructure asset requires new solutions to address the associated risks in terms of potential failure and poor environmental compliance. Two issues are paramount in looking at the aging infrastructure asset that Calgary Fire Department manages: what is the present condition and how to optimally allocate public funds for its asset needs, specifically preventive maintenance.

Asset owners must allocate such limited budgets among competing alternatives, which makes the situation challenging. Among the competing alternatives, preventive maintenance has presented a series of challenges to asset stewards for public infrastructure asset management, especially within municipal government. For Calgary Fire Department (CFD), asset management professionals from Infrastructure Planning and other divisions have made a significant progress in order to achieve "the best possible service", such as Star Quality Rating, risk register, option analysis, existing station retro-commissioning, and Asset Management Plan etc.  

However, CFD is no exception as other Business Units within The City of Calgary: there are several obstacles stand in the way for asset management practice, specifically capital preventive maintenance expenditures. Nonetheless, with the Five-Step process: Education, Challenge, Environment, Strategy, Delivery (Carroll et al., 2004), there is a great potential to overcome such obstacles.
Engineering, Engineering--Civil
Zhong, W. (2016). Infrastructure Asset Management Challenges and Understanding the Complexity and Uncertainty (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/26530