“Ethnic Media, Identity, and Community: A Case Study of the “Koleso” Newspaper”
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The purpose of this study was to identify community and identity based connections that the “Koleso” newspaper creates for its readership - the Calgary Russian-speaking community. By applying a variety of different research methods such as content analysis of the “Koleso” newspaper, focus groups and an interview with the Editor-in-Chief, within the core and ethnic identity theoretical framework, I demonstrate that the “Koleso” creates for its readership connections in time and space and preserve elements of their multiple identities. The subject of Canadian ethnic media in general and the Russian ethnic print media in Canada in particular remains not well-enough researched. This thesis, therefore, contributes to an overall study of ethnic media by providing a unique perspective on a particular Russian ethnic publication and its influence on building multiple identities and connections with the Russian-speaking audience in Calgary.