Urban Energy Management In Quito: A Case Study

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This study aims to analyze an energy efficiency program on the demand-side for the residential sector of Quito. The study considers the importance of energy efficiency programs and international experiences, and it covers technical aspects like the load characterization, tariff aspects, and identification of the energy efficiency measures, estimated savings for lighting, refrigeration and water heaters, and benefits for residential consumers and Electric Power distributors of Quito. The study includes a legal framework and strategic management tools that could be used during the development of an energy efficiency program for the residential sector. In addition, the study develops a sequence of environmental implications including CO2 emission reductions due to electricity generation and other concerns like air pollutants emitted to the environment.

Sánchez, P. (2010). Urban Energy Management In Quito: A Case Study (Unpublished report). University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.