Improving the Adoption of Transitions in Care Technology Between Emergency Medical Services and Emergency Departments: A Scoping Review Protocol


Background: Previous research has shown that miscommunication during transitions in care between emergency medical services (EMS) and emergency departments can result in serious medical errors leading to adverse patient health outcomes and even death. Studies show that interactive mobile technology can assist the patient transfer process. Research indicates that various technologies are available, yet uptake by health systems throughout Canada and the world is limited. A conceptual framework for improving the technology adoption of EMS to emergency department (ED) transitions in care (TiC) software will be used to guide the project.

Objectives: The aim of this scoping review is to create an expansive collection of useful mobile software application features, motivations for use, and barriers that interfere with EMS communication technology adoption to assist research and design and improve the technology’s adoption over time.

Eligibility Criteria: Only information on smartphone software applications will be eligible for inclusion in this project, although all study designs and types of literature will be included. Included apps, articles, or documents must be published after 2008 and in the English language or feasibly translated (e.g., using Google Translate).

Sources of Evidence: Seven academic and seven preprint databases will be searched for published and unpublished artifacts providing access to the latest information. Due to the emerging nature of this topic, exploring Google Play Apps, Apple's App Store, and Google will help ensure that the most current information is represented. Utilizing backward and forward author, reference, and app searching will be crucial for identifying evolutions of the technology and developmental trajectories to their present state.

Charting Methods: Data charting will include characteristics of the source, along with any relevant results and findings that pertain to the research questions, which will be coded into emerging categories (i.e., themes), creating an accessible and simplified resource supported by a narrative synthesis.

ambulance, emergency, technology adoption, communication, scoping review, protocol
Sterzer, F.R., Caird, J.K., & Reay, G. (2022). Improving the Adoption of Transitions in Care Technology Between Emergency Medical Services and Emergency Departments: A Scoping Review Protocol. PRISM. University of Calgary.