An exploratory evaluation of solution-focused Ericksonian groups for adults sexually abused in childhood
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Survivors of childhood sexual abuse often experience common long-term effects of the abuse such as depression, low self-esteem and anxiety. Currently, therapists off er a range of treatment models and interventions to address survivor issues. The small body of research evaluating these treatment approaches has provided initial support for their efficacy. The current study evaluated Solutionfocused Ericksonian group therapy, a new approach for treating sexual abuse survivors. The results indicate that significant improvement occurred over the course of the group in client depression, self-esteem, stress, and problem behaviors associated with past sexual abuse. The clients also reported satisfaction with the program. While these improvements may be the result of the group treatment, design limitations prevent a clear interpretation of this. Future research should evaluate the Solution-focused Ericksonian model, with the addition of comparison or control groups to determine if such improvements are the result of treatment.