Geometry of the foothills structures between Turner Valley and Bragg Creek, Alberta
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Foothills structures in the area between Turner Valley and Bragg Creek are interpreted based on surface and subsurface data. The structures involve sedimentary sequences ranging from Devonian to Tertiary in age. The interpretation shows an east-verging allochthonous wedge with a lower detachment at the base of the Mississippian sequence and an upper detachment within the Upper Cretaceous Belly River Formation. Backthrusts branch from the upper detachment in a foreland directed sequence. Detachments occur at various levels resulting in separate duplexes in individual stratigraphic units. The wedge comprises four structural packages separated by the upper, lower and top-Mississippian detachments. Each package develops and varies geometrically along strike and affects the overlying structures. Average shortening is 52% and 38% respectively at the Cretaceous and Mississippian levels and 17% in the hangingwall of the upper detachment. Faults that cut across package boundaries are interpreted as out-of-sequence.