Queer Counselling Professionals' Understandings ofSocially Just Counselling Practice with Queer Clients: A Hermeneutic Inquiry
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Despite several positive developments regarding the status of queer people in society, the literature still abounds in references to the poor mental health outcomes of this population. Furthermore, an increasing consensus in the mental health field attributes queer people’s mental health concerns to experiences of injustice related to societal oppression and discriminatory practices. For their part, the professions of counselling and counselling psychology have been trying to increase counselling professionals’ knowledge, awareness, and skills with respect to helping queer clients address experiences of oppression related to injustice. Additionally, recent trends in counselling scholarship in general, and in counselling focused on queer clients in particular, have highlighted the need for counsellors and counselling psychologists to develop competence in social justice advocacy to help address the systemic roots of queer people’s concerns. Given how little is known about practicing social justice with queer clients in community practice contexts, I interviewed eight queer-identified counselling practitioners. Using Gadamerian hermeneutics as the methodological foundation for this study, I answered the following question: “How might we understand the meaning of socially just counselling practice for queer counselling professionals working with queer clients?” The findings of this study include interpretations supported by participant quotes and relevant literature, offering an understanding of socially just counselling practice with queer clients that has implications for counselling and psychological education, research, and practice.