RELREA-An Analytical Approach Supporting Continuous Release Readiness Evaluation

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As part of iterative development, decision about “Is the software product ready to be released at some given release date?” have to be made at the end of each release, sprint or iteration. While this decision is critically important, so far it is largely done either informally or in a simplistic manner relying on a small set of isolated metrics. In addition, continuity in release readiness evaluation is not achieved and any problems related to release issues cannot be addressed proactively. In this thesis, an analytical approach called RELREA is proposed to address these gaps. The main characteristics of RELREA are: i) project specific release readiness attributes and metrics are selected in a systematic way, ii) overall release readiness is determined by aggregating and evaluating the degree of satisfaction of the most relevant readiness attributes, iii) continuous visibility on release readiness status, and iv) projection of release readiness at release time. Case studies with proprietary and open source software projects are performed to evaluate the proposed approach and its implementation. The case study results show that the RELREA approach and its implementation are able to assist one product manager in evaluating, monitoring, and analyzing release readiness at any point of time in the release cycle.

Computer Science
Shahnewaz, S. M. (2014). RELREA-An Analytical Approach Supporting Continuous Release Readiness Evaluation (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/27619