Level of living for an urban area: Calgary

dc.contributor.advisorDavis, Arthur K.
dc.contributor.authorSnider, Earle Lawrence
dc.descriptionBibliography: p. 57-74.en
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the thesis was to establish a level-living index for an urban coIIIIllunity in order to clarify the concept and function of class. Level. of living refers here to the status which a person or family occupies with reference to the ownership of types of goods. The criteri9n used in the selection of the sample was gross family income. Two geographically, socially and economically diver­gent areas were sampled in the City of Calgary with one hundred and thirty-five single-family dwellings in each sample. The interview schedule was de??igned to obtain information on the possession or nonpossession of certain household amenities, cultural amenities and the condition of certain of those facilities. A Guttman scaling technique was applied to the data. Error of reproducibility for all scales obtained was ninety percent. A discussion of each scale and the implication of the study for the measurement of social class and urban blight is given.
dc.description.notesThis title is not available online. Access options are: - consulting the copy from Archives in our reading room in person - https://asc.ucalgary.ca/visiting/ - borrowing a circulating copy from the Library catalogue – https://ucalgary.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/search?vid=01UCALG_INST:UCALGARY&lang=en
dc.format.extent82 leaves ; 30 cm.en
dc.identifier.citationSnider, E. L. (1967). Level of living for an urban area: Calgary (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from https://prism.ucalgary.ca. doi:10.11575/PRISM/16298en_US
dc.identifier.otherBarcode: 82481501en
dc.publisher.institutionUniversity of Calgaryen
dc.rightsUniversity of Calgary graduate students retain copyright ownership and moral rights for their thesis. You may use this material in any way that is permitted by the Copyright Act or through licensing that has been assigned to the document. For uses that are not allowable under copyright legislation or licensing, you are required to seek permission.
dc.subject.lcshCost and standard of living
dc.subject.lcshCity and town life
dc.titleLevel of living for an urban area: Calgary
dc.typemaster thesis
thesis.degree.disciplineSociology and Anthropology
thesis.degree.grantorUniversity of Calgary
thesis.degree.nameMaster of Arts (MA)
ucalgary.thesis.accessionTheses Collection 58.002:Box 23 82481501