Over the Rainbow: Exploring how Life Gets Better for Gay Males

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Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) youth are often victims of homonegativity and bullying related to their affectional orientation. This negativity can have serious consequences including social withdrawal, academic problems, mental health concerns, and suicidality. However, not all LGB youth experience such consequences and many live a satisfying life similar to their non-LGB peers indicating resiliencies in this population. Utilizing Internet video blogs from a non-profit organization called the “It Gets Better Project,” the current study explored the process of life improvement in gay male youth by analyzing 33 videos. A grounded theory is presented in two phases. Phase 1 represents life prior to getting better and an experience of life dissatisfaction and Phase 2 represents life as it becomes better and an experience of life satisfaction.
Educational Psychology, Guidance and Counseling, General
Bishop, A. (2013). Over the Rainbow: Exploring how Life Gets Better for Gay Males (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from https://prism.ucalgary.ca. doi:10.11575/PRISM/27241