Oil Sands Tailings Consolidation Employing Capillary Suction or Core-Shell Coagulant
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The Canadian oil sands bitumen extraction process produces a huge volume of tailings. Tailings are a mixture of water, fine particles, and residual hydrocarbons. Tailings gradually stratify into layers, with the middle layer being a stable gel-like suspension of fine clay particles, water, and bitumen known as mature fine tailings (MFT). MFT poses a considerable environmental concern, including air pollution, groundwater contamination, potential for tailings pond failure, as well as extensive land footprint. Additionally, the slow settling of MFT particles adversely affects dewatering and land reclamation, raising liability problems for operators. This work attempts to provide options to MFT reclamation using two approaches. The first approach uses the natural phenomenon of capillary action with porous surfaces to increase evaporation. The selective absorption of water into the porous substrate increases the surface area for evaporation. A filter paper substrate enhanced evaporation rates by ~ 35%, leading to a decrease in reclamation time by 33–55% relative to a non-porous surface. A mathematical model was developed to fit the evaporation rates coupling thermodynamic and mass transport principles. In the second approach, a novel core-shell coagulant (CSCC) consisting of 85 wt% Ca(OH)2 core and a 15 wt% CaCO3 shell, was assessed for its efficacy in enhancing the quality of recovered water and improving the geomechanical stability of the reclaimed MFT. At its optimum dose (4330 ppm) CSCC surpassed the performance of the optimum dose of the conventional Ca(OH)2 coagulant (3250 ppm). CSCC achieved 7% and 70% lower Na+ and Ca2+ concentrations, respectively, with 12% lower suspended solids. Therefore, the detrimental effects of these ions and suspended solids on the oil recovery and the processing equipment is reduced. At higher dose (5400 ppm), CSCC exhibited enhanced efficiency, decreasing Na+ and Ca2+ concentrations by 18% and 56%, respectively, and lowering suspended solid content by 60%. Characterization methods, such as SEM, XRD, and TGA, validated the development of pozzolanic products in the solid phase separated from the MFT after 90 days of aging. The controlled release of Ca(OH)2 from the CaCO3 shell promoted prolonged pozzolanic reactions, hence enhancing long-term reclamation stability.