Exploring the Role of a Learner-Centered Assessment Approach in Developing Undergraduate Business Students’ Entrepreneurial Knowledge, Skills, and Mindset
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Unlike the traditional teacher/instructor-centered approach, Learner-Centered Assessment (LCA) promotes students’ active learning that occurs according to the needs of the 21st-century society. The process of creating LCA is not a ready-made solution, making it possible to develop a unique, inclusive model that could be implemented with the same success in different education settings. Research has shown that LCA makes student learning more meaningful by being applied through discovery, creative, and inductive approaches. It enables independent work of learners to be more apparent and better represented and focused on individualization and individual gains. Using LCA, students in undergraduate business programs are expected to develop the following entrepreneurial skills: dynamic strategies, research, creativity, and an entrepreneurial mindset (e.g., the ability to recognize an entrepreneurial culture and effectively manage a team). The characteristics of LCA have been recognized to go above the definition and conceptual delimitation of standardized testing and rote learning. Using LCA, a balanced approach to teaching and learning the necessary 21st-century entrepreneurial skills and recognizing the responsibility of being the mediator of the LCA approach can be manifested through innovative instructional strategies involving the use of technology. In my study of the role of LCA in the development of undergraduate students’ entrepreneurship through the redesign of learning tasks in a course, the mixed methods research design guided my data collection using pre- and post-LCA questionnaires, one-on-on interviews, and observations. The data enabled me to answer research questions pertaining to undergraduate business students’ perceptions of the value of LCA on developing their entrepreneurial knowledge, skills, and mindset, as well as their learning experiences of LCA in the course and the affordances and challenges of incorporating the use of technology into LCA.