Expert Systems for Personal Financial Planning

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The Institute of Certified Financial Planners

Computer capability is expanding to provide users access to the judgments of the bell experts in a given field, including personal financial planning, through computer programs called expert systems. Personal financial planning expert systems can be classified as either integrated systems, which provide solutions to all aspects of financial planning or specialized systems, which focus on a smaller knowledge domain. This article discusses the various integrated personal financial planning expert systems in use. The article also discusses financial planning expert s systems based on the approach used in their development and the characteristics that should be considered in selecting a System.

Article deposited after permission was granted by publisher, 12/03/2010
expert systems (computer science), investments, finance
Brown, C.E., Nielson, N.L., and Phillips, M.E. "Expert Systems for Personal Financial Planning" Journal of Financial Planning, (July 1990), pp. 137-143.