Examining Causes for Readmission in the Internal Medicine Population from the Patient Perspective

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A significant number of internal medicine patients discharged from acute care require readmission within 30 days. Current readmission rates create a significant burden to the healthcare system. Identifying causes of readmission can inform health care practice to mitigate factors associated with readmission and improve care and outcomes for patients and families. A literature review reveals a wealth of quantitative research from the perspective of healthcare practitioners. Less is known about the perspectives of internal medicine patients, particularly in Canada. As such, understanding why readmissions occur within 30 days of discharge within this patient population is limited. Avoiding readmission needs to be guided by strategic discharge practices that are informed by relevant research studies. Specifically, further research into patient perspectives on why they are readmitted warrants further qualitative investigation. This study is a qualitative, thematic analysis, designed to explore internal medicine patients’ perspectives about readmission to hospital. Knowledge from this study can inform healthcare practice by informing upstream, proactive, pre-emptive measures to address patients’ and health system needs.

de Boer, S. (2021). Examining causes for readmission in the internal medicine population from the patient perspective (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from https://prism.ucalgary.ca.