Modeling with Rendering Primitives: An Interactive Non-Photorealistic Canvas

We present an interactive approach to non-photorealistic rendering that contrasts with the standard black box character of previous rendering techniques in that observation and interaction take place during rendering. Our technique is based on the idea of approaching non-photorealistic rendering by modeling with rendering primitives. This new approach supports interruption, tweaking, manipulation, and re-direction of the rendering as it develops. While we draw upon computational support for primitive placement to avoid having to painstakingly place each pixel, we limit the computational influence to enable freedom of interaction with the elements. We implement this new paradigm in a stroke-based rendering application using a stack of interaction buffers to store attributes of the primitives during the rendering. By manipulating the data in these buffers we affect the behavior of strokes on the canvas. This allows us to create and adjust images in non-photorealistic styles such as painterly rendering, pointillism, and decorative mosaics at interactive frame rates.
Computer Science