Neither Here nor There: Interactive Installations in Liminal Spaces

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Our everyday lives unfold in an abundance of origin and destination places: home, work; lobby, office; my house, your house. Between origin and destination lies a space belonging to neither, a liminal space, a point in the journey that is not A or B. In this research, liminal space refers to threshold or transition space in the physical realm such as a doorway; in the digital realm such as the act of using a mobile phone while engaged in another activity; and in the conceptual realm such as engaging in interdisciplinary collaboration. There is a tacit social protocol for existing in these spaces and people establish habits or mannerisms to avoid uncomfortable interactions with strangers. As such, my research arises from my observations of people’s interactions with each other in liminal spaces. My doctoral research is focused on creating interactive art that can bring people together in liminal places, with the aim of informing the design of interactive technology that can help people connect and engage with each other. The processes established in this research can subsequently inform future endeavours for designing for engagement with site-specific interactive installations. I examined lived experience within liminal spaces and applied social interaction theory to the design and creation of interactive art installations that can challenge and transform liminal spaces and the experiences within them.

liminality, interdisciplinary collaboration, liminal space, interactive art, human-computer interaction, media art, Interaction Design
MacDonald Vermeulen, L. A. (2018). Neither Here nor There: Interactive Installations in Liminal Spaces (Doctoral thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/31891