RGO Library & Learning Commons Usability Testing October 2022: Findings and Recommendations

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In October 2022, the RGO Library & Learning Commons conducted usability testing focusing on the functionality and ease of use of the website and online catalog. Recruitment for testing was done via advertising on Bow Valley College TV, campus bulletin boards, and in the student newsletter. Students, staff, and faculty members were invited to participate in testing; eight students expressed interest. Feedback from the participants was largely positive, and most tasks were completed successfully by all learners. Issues were mostly relating to visibility of certain options and redundancy on the main library page. Quick fixes that could be made to the library homepage were identified and implemented. The next step will be to monitor the effects of the changes already made and to plan more significant changes.

Library Web sites, User-centered system design
Allard, A & Mucz, D. (2023, January 13). RGO Library & Learning Commons usability testing October 2022: Findings and recommendations. Bow Valley College.