An Evaluation of Cumulative Effects Assessment in the Northwest Territories

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This study investigates cumulative effects assessment (CEA) in the context sustainable development and the resulting impact on barren-ground caribou (Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus) in the Northwest Territories (NWT). This research attempts to gain insight into the role of CEA in the sustainability of this species and answer the question; has CEA been applied in NWT to adequately mitigate the impact of development on barren-ground caribou? CEA completed for five projects situated in the NWT are analysed and ranked based on an evaluation matrix developed for the study. The research findings determined that CEA in the NWT may not contribute substantive value to promote sustainability of the caribou. The CEAs evaluated did not demonstrate best practices as reported in the CEA literature, additionally the cumulative effects of development in all projects evaluated was reported as negligible. CEA practice requires re-examination and methodological development to achieve its goal to promote sustainable development.
Debogorski, N. H. (2020). An Evaluation of Cumulative Effects Assessment in the Northwest Territories (Unpublished master's project). University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.