Water supplies and watershed management in the Oldman River Basin, Alberta
Potential needs for suitable water supplies in the Prairie Provinces can only be met efficiently through planned water use in the Saskatchewan-Nelson River Basin and careful management of runoff on the Eastern Slopes of the Rocky Mountains. dverse features of streamflow in the Oldman River Basin of southwestern Alberta can be partially modified by effecting changes in the water balance on the area's watersheds, though a programme of preservation , restoration and intensive research must necessarily precede any attempt to do this s a necessary preliminary to this approach , the patterns of surface water resources in the basin are examined in terms of variations in the water balance from place to place . The achievements of the Eastern Rockies Forest Conservation Board are considered relative to its stated objectives, the Board's concept of multiple-use and the present condition of watersheds on the Eastern Slopes . Priorities and pre- requisites for effective implementation of those directives are then examined.