VideoArms: Supporting Remote Embodiment in Groupware
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Shared visual workspaces afford collaboration by providing a medium
that grounds workspace activity, conversation, and gestures. If distributed
groupware systems designed as shared visual workspaces are to replace or
augment the physical workspaces of today, they need to naturally support these
affordances. VideoArms is an embodiment technique for distributed groupware
that captures body images of collaborators as they work, and transmits them to
remote workspaces. These body images are then placed in the context of the
workspace, thereby supporting the transmission of conversational gestures,
collaborator identity, workspace activity and complex workspace gestures. The
technique uses a purely digital approach, allowing for the possibility of
different presentation techniques (e.g. colour video, shadows, transparent
video, outlines, etc.).
Duration of video: 5 minutes, 8 seconds