Pathways and Transitions of Persistent Youth Offenders in Alberta: A Profile of Persistent Youth Offenders

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Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family.

This report summarizes the findings of the first year of a three year study of pathways and transitions of persistent youth offenders in Alberta. The overall objectives of the study are to understand the factors that differentiate persistent youth offenders who offend into adulthood from those who do not, understand these factors in a developmental context, and provide focussed information to develop and improve multisectoral prevention and intervention initiatives. The objectives of the first stage of the study are as follows: (1) To establish an understanding of the risk factors for persistent offenders and youth offending trajectories by reviewing the relevant literature; (2) To develop a retrospective profile of individual, family, peer, community and school factors for a sample of persistent offenders in Alberta; and (3) To develop a preliminary retrospective profile of offending for the sample.

MacRae-Krisa, L, Bertrand, L.D, Rinquist, L., Paetsch, J.J. (2013). Pathways and Transitions of Persistent Youth Offenders in Alberta: A Profile of Persistent Youth Offenders. Calgary, AB: Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family.