SSHRC Evidence Brief: Gender-Based Violence Against Immigrants and Refugees Living with HIV/HIV-Risk in Canada: A Systematic Review

Immigrant and refugee women in Canada bear a disproportionate burden of HIV and HIV risk, and simultaneously experience a greater risk of gender-based violence (GBV), including interpersonal, community, and structural violence. The observed increase in multiple forms of GBV during the recent COVID-19 pandemic underscores the urgent need for research-informed progressive policies, practices, and community services to support this population. Understanding the impact of systemic racism and sexism within the context of immigrant and refugee women’s dual experiences of HIV/HIV-risk and GBV (HIV/GBV) is necessary to effectively develop comprehensive strategies that can challenge structural barriers and promote equity, social inclusion, and psycho-social well-being. This project sought to understand: • How systemic racism and sexism impact immigrant and refugee women’s dual experiences of HIV/GBV. • What policies, programs, or services, or lack there-of, support or create barriers for immigrant and refugee women experiencing HIV/GBV and what changes are required.
This document is an evidence brief prepared for SSHRC.
Gender-based Violence, HIV, Immigrant Women, Systematic Review