Canadian gambling behaviour and attitudes : summary report

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Canada West Foundation

Gambling is ubiquitous in Canada. Although it has only been 30 years since the first lotteries were introduced in Canada, there are now over 50 permanent casinos, 21,000 slot machines, 38,000 video lottery terminals, 20,000 annual bingo events, and 44 permanent horse race tracks in Canada. Over the same period, a national debate has emerged over the appropriate level of gambling in our communities. To date, Canada's gambling debate has not been informed by public opinion data. The Canada West Foundation's Public Opinion on Gambling survey attempts to fill this void.

The Public Opinion on Gambling survey provides a benchmark of gambling behaviours and attitudes across Canada. The survey findings provide a context for current debate, and can be used to track future changes in gambling opinion and behaviour.

Gambling--Canada, Compulsive gambling--Canada