Alberta's Energy Challenges in 2013

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The energy challenges that Alberta faces today are different from those addressed in the 2008 Government's Plan, Launching Alberta's Energy Future: Provincial Energy Strategy (the "2008 Plan"). This project analyzes the differences between the current economic reality for Alberta energy and the economic assumptions underpinning the 2008 Plan and proposes a new policy for the Province. Due to the 2008 recession and its impact on the price of oil and the technological advances of fracking resulting in an oversupply of natural gas, many of the 2008 tools are less economically efficient. These policies need to be updated to be aligned with the current economic reality. The policy recommendations include: a new greenhouse gas strategy; a focus on market diversification to achieve greater market access; and a comprehensive public relations program to refute the increasing environmental challenges arising from misconceptions surrounding oil sand resource development; and lack of transportation infrastructure for oil sand products.

Wiedman, Nicole. (2013). Alberta's Energy Challenges in 2013 ( Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from