The Proximity Toolkit: Prototyping Proxemic Interactions in Ubiquitous Computing Ecologies


People naturally understand and use proxemic relationships in everyday situations. However, only few ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) systems interpret such proxemic relationships to mediate interaction (proxemic interaction). A technical problem is that developers find it challenging and tedious to access proxemic information from sensors. Our Proximity Toolkit solves this problem. It simplifies the exploration of interaction techniques by supplying fine-grained proxemic information between people, portable devices, large interactive surfaces, and other non-digital objects in a room-sized environment. The toolkit offers three key features. 1) It facilitates rapid prototyping of proxemic-aware systems by supplying developers with the orientation, distance, motion, identity, and location information between entities. 2) It includes various tools, such as a visual monitoring tool, that allows developers to visually observe, record and explore proxemic relationships in a 3D space. (3) Its flexible architecture separates sensing hardware from the proxemic data model derived from these sensors, which means that a variety of sensing technologies can be substituted or combined to derive proxemic information. We illustrate the versatility of the toolkit with a set of proxemic-aware systems built by students.

Proxemic relationships, interaction,