Audit DRAMBORA for Trustworthy Repositories: A Study Dealing with the Digital Repository of Grey Literature
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The credibility of a grey literature digital repository can be supported by a specialized audit. An audit of credibility declares that the digital repository is not only a safe place for storage, providing access and migrating to new versions of document formats, it also asserts the care components required of a digital repository environment, including the mandate, typology, policy, team, etc. This audit is very important in showcasing to participants and users the quality and safety of the data process. This paper will present DRAMBORA (Digital Repository Audit Method Based on Risk Assessment), a methodology and tool for auditing a trustworthy digital repository of grey literature. DRAMBORA is an online instrument which helps organizations develop documentation and identify the risks of a digital repository. DRAMBORA is accessible from The paper will also summarize prevailing advantages and disadvantages of DRAMBORA. The second part of this paper will describe the audit of the National Repository of Grey Literature (NRGL) as a trustworthy digital repository using DRAMBORA as part of creating a digital repository of grey literature in the National Technical Library (NTK). The most important outcome of the audit was represented by the identified risks connected to the repository and potentially endangering its operation, quality, image, and other features. The main principle of the DRAMBORA audit and, at the same time, its main contribution, is its iteration (i.e. its repetition after a certain time period in new conditions when the original risks are reassessed; the measurements adopted for solution are assessed and new risks are identified). Introduction: Audit for Trustworthy