Care for Older Adults in Canada: Strategies, Research and Societal Implications
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The increase of the aging population affects all members of different sectors in our society. In caring for the older adults, the role of the multiple sectors is crucial. This presentation will cover topics related to understanding population aging in Canada, policy level infrastructures that form the basis for care of older adults, theoretical bases and research that form the foundation of the care philosophy, caring role and strategies of various professional sectors, and relevancy of policies and programs in creating a more caring society for the older adults. The presentation will conclude by highlighting the unresolved issues related to preparing for a caring society for the aging population.
Lai, D.W.L. (2013, February). Care for older adults in Canada: Strategies, research and societal implications. A presentation at the Department of Social Work, Hong Kong Baptist University, February 8, Hong Kong, China.
gerontology, elder, social work, Canada, services, health