The Coptic community in 19th century Egypt

dc.contributor.advisorHatt, Doyle G.
dc.contributor.authorDaus, Timothy Daniel
dc.descriptionBibliography: p. 181-200.en
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this thesis 1s twofold: first to present a survey of the Coptic corrmunity 1n Egypt from 1798-1914, focusing on Coptic institutions. Des pi t e the ex t en s i v e doc ume n t a t i on av a i I ab I e on E gyp t i an h i s t or y and sociology for the 19th century, no study has hitherto been undertaken with the express goal of examining the Coptic community. The second goal of the study 1s to document the e v o I u t i on of Cop t i c i n st i tut i on s fr om the ear I y I 9th century, a time when the very existence of the comnunity was 1n jeopardy, to the early 20th century, when the Coptic "Renaissance" was in full flower. Wealthy Coptic reformers took it upon themselves to reform the Church as well as to enhance the institutional structure of the Coptic corrmunity. The reformers established schools, journals, benevolent organizations, and cultural societies to probe their history and revive their heritage. Towards the latter part of the 19th century, and on the threshold of the 20th, a large number of lay Copts transformed their con s e r v a t i v e , ch u r ch - c en t e red c onmu n i t y i n t o a pr o gr e s s I v e C O!TlllU n i t y . The great changes of this period have been referred to as the Coptic "Renaissance" or nahda. These ch an g es , the t rans format i on o f the c onrnu n a I s t r u ct u res , the rising wealth of a great many Copts and the p r o l i f e r a t i o n o f i n s t i t u t i o n s a I s o a I I owe d ma n y Co p t s t o p I a y a r o I e i n the n at i on a I i s t mo v eme n t , as the revitalized Coptic corrmunity began to foresee a new role for itself within the fabric of an increasingly secularized Egyptian society.
dc.format.extentix, 200 leaves : ill., maps ; 30 cm.en
dc.identifier.citationDaus, T. D. (1986). The Coptic community in 19th century Egypt (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/16644en_US
dc.identifier.lccDT 72 C7 D38 1987en
dc.publisher.institutionUniversity of Calgaryen
dc.rightsUniversity of Calgary graduate students retain copyright ownership and moral rights for their thesis. You may use this material in any way that is permitted by the Copyright Act or through licensing that has been assigned to the document. For uses that are not allowable under copyright legislation or licensing, you are required to seek permission.
dc.subject.lccDT 72 C7 D38 1987en
dc.subject.lcshEthnology - Egypt
dc.subject.lcshCoptic church in Egypt
dc.titleThe Coptic community in 19th century Egypt
dc.typemaster thesis of Calgary of Arts (MA)
ucalgary.thesis.accessionTheses Collection 58.002:Box 578 215772181
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