Supporting Young Fathers as a Prevention Strategy for Stopping Intimate Partner Violence in the Next Generation: Research and Recommendations for the Louise Dean


This report is situated within a broader research agenda designed to serve as a foundation for a comprehensive strategy to engage men and boys in violence prevention to reduce rates of domestic violence in Alberta. Positive fatherhood involvement was one of seven key entry points identified for engaging men and boys. Over the next two years, Shift will continue to produce research papers to support the design of a comprehensive strategy to engage men and boys in violence prevention. This research will focus on informing and changing policy and practices with the end goal of preventing domestic violence from happening in the first place. This particular report was designed to build the case for designing and implementing a best practice program to support teen/young dads at the Louise Dean Centre in Calgary, Alberta.

Cooper, M., & Wells, L. (2014). Supporting young fathers. Research and recommendations for the Louise Dean program. Calgary, AB: The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence.