"Live and Learn": Journey of Lifelong Learning of Retired Older Adults in Contemporary China

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This research examines the role of lifelong learning in facilitating successful aging among Chinese older adults. A life history research is adopted to conduct the study. By analyzing narratives of four research participants’ learning stories, the study explores the provision of lifelong learning programs, Chinese perspectives on successful aging, and contributions of lifelong learning to successful aging and active citizenship among Chinese retired older adults. The study shows that the Chinese perspective on successful aging is closely connected to Chinese culture and traditions. Learning contributes to successful aging by bringing out older adults who are healthier, independent, open-minded and socially active. The rich descriptions of historical and political events, Chinese traditions, moralities and social values, contribute to the understanding of Chinese older adults’ pursuit of lifelong learning and perspectives on successful aging. The detailed discussion of the motives and activities of older adults volunteering advances our extant knowledge about Chinese older adults’ volunteerism.

Education--Adult and Continuing
Shan, W. (2015). "Live and Learn": Journey of Lifelong Learning of Retired Older Adults in Contemporary China (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from https://prism.ucalgary.ca. doi:10.11575/PRISM/26774